Monday, October 31, 2005

what am i doing here?

I want to move a conversation initiated by starrykick into the spotlight that is robotdinosaurswithhumanheart’s homepage. So can I just paste what I wrote in response to her question: “Are these blog responses supposed to be like, updates on what's going through my tired little brain, or more like arguments I would urge my comp students to make? will someone tell me what to do?” ? Or is that lazy? Am I supposed to revise (re-VISION, people) my thoughts for (re)consumption? Can I get through a paragraph without a parenthetical?

In any case:
oh, starrykick, please not arguments you'd tell your comp students to make. or i guess the ones you tell them to make would be great, the ones they *actually* make, however, are strictly off limits. not that there's any danger of that in this place, where even the tired brains are so lovely and lively.

i overuse the word lovely, but i almost always mean it.

also, i think we can do whatever we want in this space. our readers are probably only ourselves, right? my guess is that since we've just come out (or are in) the program here (it sounds so AA-esque when i call it the program) and we're a team not only out of mutual admiration for one another's dancing/karaoke/cooking skills (willingness perhaps a better word in some cases)but because of our shared pursuit of this thing called being writers (or, being ultimate masters of all fine[st] arts) that our topics will lean literary, but I certainly wouldn’t want to limit anyone’s input, and am more than happy to read tips and tricks for keeping those ladybirdbeetle monsters out of the house. I want to be a part of this space (oh, here comes my women’s center vernacular) largely because I hope it will allow us to keep the conversations we had (more) regularly while still in the program going even as we splinter and spread. Maybe I’ll move this comment into a post and open this up for discussion as well? Why not? It’s not like I have any papers to grade or lonely, withering stories to attend to.

Is there any way to move something from comments to the main page more gracefully? Blogs are weird.

1 comment:

Percy said...

I'm going to try something new.

I'm going to cut a crow in half and eat that half. and then I will destroy the other half because I will never eat that other half but please note that I am eating this half.

The half I am eating: in (semi-)direct opposition to my post and commentary, I'm going to offer here that I think it would be nice to have sprinkled throughout the Comments threads witty asides and ripostes that occasionally, if not often, have no literary merit. The bugs if you must. Being popular in high school. How it was 65 degrees in California today. Those types of things. I was wrong to cast down my fiat, my blanket condemnation.

There--all of you, you now have this in writing. And, furthermore, it's on the fuckin web, so until the bug comes that will ruin all of our lives (no, I'm not talking about the avian flu), it will stay. For all to see. A testament to my wrongness, to my cavalier dismissiveness that I lived to (half-)regret.