Friday, September 01, 2006

This Is Just to Say

That if you buy only one piece of music this year, it should be Beirut's Gulag Orkestrar. Please. It is wonderful. Fantastic. I can't get enough of it.

And if you only buy one book this year? Anyone? One anything else? Let's get some lists going.


Charlotte said...

I vote for Camille's self-titled as album of the year. Mostly vocals, and what lyrics! "Why do you call me triangle when I'm a trapezoid?" it sounds better in French.

Also, Regina Spektor's "Begin to Hope" is lovely. Nothing quite like her crooning "summer in the city means cleavage, cleavage, cleavage..." in my ear to get me pysched for that walk across the diag this afternoon.

Jesmyn Ward, writer said...

I'm going to post about this on my blog, but if you watch only one documentary this year, watch Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke. Everytime I watch it I cry. If there ever was a useful tool to goad people to take political action, it's this film.