When I go to the public library, I like to pick up one of the free bookmarks that they give out at the front desk. Today I got this. I am confused and delighted. What to make of this? Are we meant to assume since "dooooo" is replaced by "read" that the rooster is telling us, "Do(oooo) read!"? I know that the rooster is not really telling us anything, but I have spent perhaps too much time thinking about this bookmark and the people that designed it, and whether they just wanted any excuse to include the word "cock" on a bookmark. (Hello new readers/searchers for roosters/porn/roosterporn!)
There were still a few bookmarks left, but I can't imagine they'll be there long.
p.s. if you ever want to upload any pictures to our flickr account/change stuff on the blog [reading list anyone?]/log in to our gmail address just e-mail me and i'll send you the password (login is robotdinosaurswithhumanhearts for blogger, gmail, and flickr [followed by @yahoo.com for flickr]). i don't think it's wise to post it here now that nsa knows we're packing.
It seems to me that appending "Cock-a-Doodle" to ANY command just makes it that much more likely that it will be followed. For example:
Cock-a-Doodle-Poop! (for toilet-training parents)
Speaking of bookmarks, I designed one in fourth grade and won a "Where's Waldo" book for first place. As I've gotten older, a creeping suspicion has consumed me --I have a terrible feeling I copied the bookmark and actually won a prize for it. It said: "Your mind is like a parachute; it only works when it's open." I actually used the semicolon (no need to comment on my nerdiness, I know it). Have any of you heard this before?? If so, please let me know. As for the cock-a-doodle-read, I wish I had thought of it (though I'm pretty sure I would not have won the contest). Alas, Ann Arbor beat me to it. I'm curious, too, as to what they were thinking--but I love it nonetheless. I'm convinced the rooster actually says it. Do you remember the "Where's Waldo" books?? I could never find him. Perhaps that's why I suck at Boggle nowadays...
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