Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's 4 AM, and I'm up

Hi everyone. I think this is only the second time I've actually posted an original post instead of a comment on this board, but since it's been a little quiet around here lately, I figured I'd clear my cyberthroat and say something. (This is almost as nerve wracking as commenting in workshop. My God.)

Anyhow, I recently purchased a new copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude, and when I thumbed through it, I remembered that I'm in it. Stay with me; I know this sounds weird. Anyhow, I read it for the first time when I was in high school, and around page 240 or so, a Buendia is introduced that seems to I swear. First, the character's name is Meme; my nickname is Mimi. Teenage Meme has a rigid, strict, authoritarian mother and an indulgent father: ditto for Mimi. Meme secretly rebels against her family and falls in love with a young greasy mechanic that no one approves of, and she sneaks him into her house at night for trysts. He is caught on his last night with her, shot in the back by a guard, and spends the rest of his days incapacitated and mute; as a teenager, I also snuck my rebel paramour into the house and was caught by my shotgun wielding mother who pointed a rifle at him and told him to get out of her house. Thankfully, she didn't shoot, but I'm sure that scarred him in some sort of way. (Perhaps that was too much information for you--sorry.) There are other weird characteristics we share, but I'll spare you the details.

Has anyone else ever encountered a character in a book that bore a weird resemblance to his or herself? Or am I the only delusional one?

(crickets chirp)

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