can we stage a resurrection? I think we should. the whole point was to keep in touch about writing matters when people moved away. well look, it's officially winter here, and it's been clear to me for some time that People Have Moved Away. so: please start by posting anything--a hello, an update, a book you're reading or thinking about reading, a rant about your students, a picture of a leftover pile of mashed potates. remember blogs? remember when they were hip? I want you back, people. Ready? Go.
Well since I was complaining about this on my own blog, I'll be the first to reply. I'm reading The Electric Michealangelo. Unfortunately, I can't offer some erudite reason for reading it: it was on that buy two and get one free table at my local Barnes and Nobles, and the cover art was interesting. Plus it had a prize sticker on the front, so I bought it. It's catching, but some of the description and imagery in the beginning is disgusting. I just swallow and read, though.
I have become a middle school / high school English teacher. Therefore, right now I'm reading "Julie of the Wolves" and "The Outsiders" (again).
But hey, do me a favor. The next time you mention me (if that sort of thing ever goes on) please don't refer to me as that guy from the program who went on to teach middle school and high school. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Oh, here's a rant about my students: They're so damn small, those sixth graders. They call me Mr. Moody and Mr. Unfair Joel, then go on and on with pointless anecdotes about their family pets and the things their kid sisters did that was cute and funny. One is obsessed with dolphins. How does one manage to squeeze in facts about dolphins in the middle of a discussion about class divisions? No joke.
But I love them and their snotty little faces.
Masticated, where is your hoos foos page? Did you delete it?
I deleted it. Why? Don't know. Just deleted it one day. Didn't feel up to it anymore.
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