I'm wondering.
I'm wondering what do we do, what kind of life do we live, should we starve, or ought we purchase granite counter tops? Most of us have been at least partially yuppified at one or various or all points in our lives--do we succumb to that propensity for easiness* and seek out the middle class life, or do we say screw it and suck it up and just be poor until our big break comes, even if it never comes?
I am, of course, speaking from a very real place. I almost got Google-made^ just a few weeks ago, and for the months preceding it and for the weeks since I've been applying and looking for jobs of its ilk all over the Bay Area. "[I]ts ilk"? You know: office jobs, jobs with salaries and paid vacation, jobs without punchcards and with 401ks. Adult jobs. Jobs for people who, if they were jobless like me, wouldn't be spending their downtime going everyday to cafes in order to write the novel they're writing. Because they most likely wouldn't be writing one. Because not all of us are writers.
But I am, and if I am indeed a writer what am I doing looking for other work? For real work, that is, 40+-hour a week work, 401k work, a job I wouldn't be ashamed being caught by my Choate buddies in.** Pynchon did it for a spell (advertising)...and, uh, well, what did Bellow do? And Roth? Anyone else I'm missing? No I'm not including academic jobs--that's different, not what I'm getting at here. I'm not yet sure why but it is. [And don't worry, poets, I know all about Stevens (doctor) and Eliot (banker), but you all are a special case, different, and I'll get to you down below.]
Do you see what I'm getting at here? Maybe you don't--here, an anecdote: After Stage 7 of the [11 Stage] Google Process was complete, I was walking back to a cafe I often write in, 16th between Valencia and Guerrero, and on my way in I had a flash of whatthellamIdoing? It was tangible, and it made sense. I was walking back into that cafe, thinking of all the work I would have to do if I got the job, thinking about how long the shot was that I
would even get it, I was thinking of myself as I had always, until about a year ago, thought of myself, as a Destined Writer...I was thinking all these things, and it occurred to me,
What the hell am I doing? Do I really want this job? Do I want all that comes with it? Shouldn't I try to tough it out with all the rest of the artists in town, tending a bar somewhere, slinging coffee somewhere else, working the register at a bookstore.... Because me, youpeople, I'm not made for this, and I've known I'm not made for this, known it for years. A job
? Business Casual
clothes? Planned
vacations?.... And then my inner Holden came out and all I wanted to do was smoke a cigarette and think about how I didn't
feel like doing anything, not really. And then I just got depressed.
But do you see what I'm saying? I feel trapped between two worlds: the one that was promised to me by Choate and Williams and my upper middle class, half-Jewish Connecticut childhood, the one that was promised to me by me by all my younger selves...and the one that I've come to feel in my adult years is more like home, comes a whole lot closer to making sense for
who I am, not
who I was raised to be. The Yuppie World versus the Bohemian World, or something like that.^^ Because I feel like I'm at an impasse here, right now. Live like Henry Miller (okay not ex
actly like Henry Miller) (well, maybe exactly like Henry Miller), or live like someone else, like my father, like most writers now live, safely ensconced in their middle class worlds, no longer bleeding meals from willing friends, through with the 17-year-old maturity level so oft associated with artists, "the creative types"....
Poets: In a way, this is both not addressed to you, and addressed to you more than to anyone else. Because you guys, of course, can never hope to make a living on just your art--sorry, but you knew, right?--so the whole alternative means has always been on your radar, in fact probably walked through your door about a half-pace behind Poetry. So what do you all think, have you ever thought about pursuing a 9-5/M-F job (outside of academia) in addition? And where have you imagined yourselves? Did you ever say,
Fuck it, I'm gonna just bartend and go to artist's openings and put lots of gel in my hair, maybe toss my head in an oven when I'm 33...? And was there a struggle? Is there still?
Happy Sunday to you all. Yes I swore in the title to this post.
*This phrase, "succumb to that propensity for easiness," is actually not meant to be judgmental, denigrating. Rather, it seems the most accurate way to describe the relationship
I, for one, have with this life choice, whether to make it, the fact that living the other, bohemian way would be to me more of a struggle, and so a longer, harder leap to take.
^As in, I almost convinced them to employ me; I figured since "google" has all but become a verb in the English [other languages??] vernacular, I'd here coin another possible usage.
**No really, that happened. Chicago. 2002. I was working the register at Starbucks and I saw in line a girl I went to Choate with, perfectly adorned with husband, rings, and a weekend off from a clearly office job. It was the closest thing to petrifying shame that I have ever experienced.
^^God, come to think of it that would make a
great Celebrity Death Match, wouldn't it? (dxm hands off--that's
my story idea.)